
from 2003 Learn more about from 2003

  • Kui 368 (cotton)

    Kui 368 (cotton)

    Main characteristics: plant tower type, more compact. The plant height is about 79.8 cm, which is a medium-mature variety, and the growth period is about 129 days. The number of fruit branches per plant is about 12.4, the node position of the first fruit branch is about 6.5, the boll per plant is about 15.6, the boll weight is about 5.3 grams, the seed index is about 9.8 grams, the lint percentage is about 43.0%, and the flowering rate before frost is about 94.1%. Disease resistance: resistant to Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt in 2002 and to Verticillium wilt in 2003. Yield performance: 2002 ~

  • * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    The application of embryo transfer technology to the breeding of Tianshan red deer will cause a shock in the field of wildlife conservation in China. On December 18, 2003, Ma Mingkui, director of Qitai Forest Farm, pointed to the red deer in the red deer farm and told reporters: "366, 66, 399, these three red deer are pregnant." The work began in September 2003 and a total of 13 red deer underwent embryo transfer. They are all red deer from the red deer farm in Qitai Forest Farm. This farm is also the only Tianshan red deer provenance protection and breeding base in China. In the tower

  • * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    The application of embryo transfer technology to the breeding of Tianshan red deer will cause a shock in the field of wildlife conservation in China. On December 18, 2003, Ma Mingkui, director of Qitai Forest Farm, pointed to the red deer in the red deer farm and told reporters: "366, 66, 399, these three red deer are pregnant." The work began in September 2003 and a total of 13 red deer underwent embryo transfer. They are all red deer from the red deer farm in Qitai Forest Farm. This farm is also the only Tianshan red deer provenance protection and breeding base in China. In the tower

  • Present situation and Development trend of Aquatic products processing Industry in China

    Present situation and Development trend of Aquatic products processing Industry in China

    Food is the most important thing for the people, and food is the basic substance for human survival. Aquatic food not only has high protein, rich in highly unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements, but also contains a large number of flavor substances, such as carnosine and goose carnosine.

    2016-01-10 China aquatic products processing industry current situation and development trend
  • Xiaoxiang fairy Chunlan

    Xiaoxiang fairy Chunlan

    Wang Yonghong was selected and named when he went down the mountain in Anhui in 2003. Specific plot: one weekend in late autumn in 2003, as usual, I (Wang Yonghong) took a small hoe and went on the road with Lan you early. The mountain we are going to today is called the real dragon land, where the mountain is steep, the mountain is shrouded in clouds, and there are many spring orchids on the mountain.

  • Cotton variety-Fengkangmian No. 1

    Cotton variety-Fengkangmian No. 1

    Bred by Baoding Agricultural Science Research Institute, Fengkangmian No. 1, was bred in 2001. Main characteristics: plant tower type. The plant height is about 79.7 cm, which is a medium-mature variety, and the growth period is about 132 days. The number of fruit branches per plant is about 12.4, the node position of the first fruit branch is about 5.9, the boll weight per plant is about 14.6, the boll weight is about 5.7 grams, the seed finger is about 10.8 grams, the lint percentage is about 40.9%, and the rate of pre-frost flower is about 97.6%. Disease resistance: resistance in 2002 and 2003

  • Trade and processing of walnut at home and abroad

    Trade and processing of walnut at home and abroad

    According to the statistics of the World Tree Nuts Association, in view of the deterioration of human living environment, the demand for healthy and brain-healthy food is increasing. The annual demand for walnut kernels is expected to increase at a rate of 5%. At the same time, China's domestic consumption also needs walnut kernels.

    2020-11-27 At home and abroad walnut trade and processing according to the world Shusheng
  • 15 new cotton varieties examined by the State

    15 new cotton varieties examined by the State

    The Ministry of Agriculture issued notice No. 706 on August 28 last year. The new cotton varieties approved by the Fifth meeting of the first National crop Variety approval Committee are as follows: 1. Zhongzhu Mian 2: approval No. 2006001. Breeding unit: Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, etc. It belongs to transgenic insect-resistant conventional spring cotton varieties. The growth period of spring sowing in the cotton area of the Yellow River basin is 125 days. Participated in the regional trial of spring cotton group varieties in the Yellow River Basin from 2004 to 2005, seed cotton, lint and pre-frost lint per

  • 10 Internet + towns were built in 2003.

    10 Internet + towns were built in 2003.

    10 Internet + towns were built in 2003.

  • Gu Dao Mei Chunlan

    Gu Dao Mei Chunlan

    This kind was picked out by Hangzhou Lanyou Sun Bin in 2003 at Liu Zongwen booth on the second floor of Wushan Flower and Bird Market. At that time, Liu Zongwen went down from Lin'an to 60 boxes of common grass. It is said that he first picked out a lotus petal, which was later named Luzhou Lotus. It is estimated that he was too excited at that time to think that the work was done, and then casually dealt with it. As a result.

  • Containing jade orchid

    Containing jade orchid

    Guizhou descended from the mountain in 2003 and blossomed again in 2004 and 2005. The leaves are thick and waxy, and the leaves are thick green and glossy. The leaves of mature seedlings are about 30-40CM long and about 1.5CM wide. Outer three-petal long foot round head tight edge, main lobe lower cover, side lobe arch embrace, deep pocket soft hold, Zhonggong correct, design and color such as Hetian sheep fat, although red but not muddy, exquisite and beautiful. Miao Zhuang.

  • On the problem of adding urea to fish meal

    On the problem of adding urea to fish meal

    On the problem of adding urea to fish meal

  • Huaidao 9 (Su Shendao 200607)

    Huaidao 9 (Su Shendao 200607)

    Huaidao 9, formerly known as "Huai68", is a late-maturing middle japonica rice variety. It was bred in 2000 by Huai 9712 (Yangdao 3 / 02428//IR26/// China 45 / Lianjing 1) by Huaiyin Agricultural Science Research Institute of Xuhuai region, Jiangsu Province. It is suitable for planting under the condition of middle and high fertility in Yangqiu area of Suzhong and Ningzhen. Yield level and characteristics. Participated in the regional test of Jiangsu Province from 2003 to 2004, the average yield per mu in two years was 586.0 kg, which was higher than that of Wuyujing 3.

  • Rice-Jiayu 46

    Rice-Jiayu 46

    Recently, the crop Variety approval Committee of Zhejiang Province approved 30 new crop varieties (combinations), including "Jiayu 46", and recommended them to farmers all over the province. In order to make the majority of farmers better understand these new varieties (combinations). The average yield per mu of this variety reached 461.5 kg in 2002 and 2003, which was 7.41% higher than that of the control "Jiayu 293". The average total growth period of two years was 110.3 days, and the average effective panicle per mu was 201000 in provincial regional test in two years.

  • Zhenmai No. 5

    Zhenmai No. 5

    Zhenmai 5 (Zhen 99036) is a new spring mid-maturing wheat variety bred by Yangmai 158 and Ningmai 9 in Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences in hilly area of Jiangsu Province. The variety has long awn, white shell, spindle ear, red skin and hard grains, erect seedlings, compact plant type, plant height of 93 cm, fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance, 300000 effective panicles per mu, 33 grains per panicle and 38 grams per thousand grains. In inoculation identification, it was resistant to scab, susceptible to sheath blight and spindle stripe mosaic virus, and the disease resistance was better than that of Yangmai 158. The average result of quality analysis in three years is coarse egg.

  • Yexianzhan 8, a high quality conventional rice

    Yexianzhan 8, a high quality conventional rice

    Ye Xian Zhan 8 was bred by Guiyezhan 2 / Texianzhan 13/IR24 hybrid by Huizhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Guangdong Province. In 2002 and 2003, he took part in the regional test of Guangdong quality group, with an average yield of 405.91 kg per mu and 454.47 kg per mu, which increased by 9.25% and 10.64% respectively over the control variety Japonica indica 89, and the increase was extremely significant. In 2003, the average yield per mu was 446.7 kg in the provincial production test. Rice quality has been inspected and identified by the Food quality Supervision, Inspection and testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture.

  • Xijin lotus butterfly spring orchid

    Xijin lotus butterfly spring orchid

    Lu Rongguang's "Xijin Lotus Butterfly", which won the gold medal, was bought from the farmers' market for 600 yuan in 2003. The market price of this kind of "lotus butterfly" was 10-15000 yuan per seedling at that time, and when the orchid was at its hottest in 2006, it sold as high as 100000 yuan per seedling. How can I find such a big bargain? LV Rong.

  • Shimai 12

    Shimai 12

    Shimai 12 is a wheat variety with dwarf lodging resistance, high yield and stable yield selected by Shijiazhuang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Hebei Province. after it was approved by Hebei Province in 2004 (approval number: Ji Xianmai 2004004), it has the advantages of high yield, water saving and disease resistance. it was listed as the preferred variety in 2005 by the National Grain High yield Science and Technology Project. It was introduced into our province in 2006 (Yu Yinzi 2006001). The yield structure of this variety is reasonable, the panicle rate of this variety is high, the number of ears per mu is easy to reach 500000, the number of grains per ear is about 34, and the 1000-grain weight is 4.

  • A new cotton variety-Nongdamian 6 F1

    A new cotton variety-Nongdamian 6 F1

    Nongda Mian 6 F1 was selected by Hebei Agricultural University and was bred in 2000. Main characteristics: plant tower type, Qingxiu. The plant height is about 82 cm, which is a medium-mature variety, and the growth period is about 129 days. The number of fruit branches per plant is about 12.4, the node position of the first fruit branch is about 6.3, the boll per plant is about 14.5, the boll weight is about 6.1 grams, the seed index is about 10.8 grams, the lint percentage is about 40.2%, and the pre-frost flowering rate is about 93.9%. Disease resistance: identification of disease resistance in the Institute of Plant Protection, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences

  • Hangzhi No.1 (Sesame)

    Hangzhi No.1 (Sesame)

    Sesame is one of the main oil crops in China and a traditional characteristic agricultural product. in recent years, the planting area of sesame is 1300-15 million mu, and the total output is about 1 million tons. Henan, Anhui, Hubei and Jiangxi are the main sesame producing provinces, accounting for more than 60% of the total area of the country. Jiangsu, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other provinces also have a certain area and a wide distribution area. There are two inter-provincial concentrated producing areas of sesame: one is in northwest Hubei and southwest Henan.
